Ok, I know the rule is that you're not supposed to ask once over the age of ... let's say ... 25. But here's a little card that's just cute enough that you may get away with breaking that rule. :-P I apologize that it's a little dark, but I guess being a newbie to all this, my lighting was off a bit in the first place which made it kind of difficult to get the computer to tweak the Black and White with the Red. I'll get better at this the more I do, I suppose. I hope you can make it out and even more, that you like it. Have a great day. And as always, thanks for stopping by.
Side Note: I believe this card was actually inspired by a card I may have seen on the internet. At the present time, however, I cannot remember just where or by whom. As a creative person (and I also work in the legal field) I understand the issues of copyright and truly do not wish to infringe upon anyone's right to credit for their creativity, so I offer that this design was not totally my own brainstorm albeit the execution is all mine.
Again, thanks for stopping by.